Accessibility Declaration – Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research (R.A.)

The accessibility declaration was updated on 1 July 2024

At the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research (R.A.), we have worked to make our website accessible to persons with disabilities in order to promote equal rights and transparency vis-à-vis persons with disabilities.

Essence of accessible websites

An accessible website is a website that allows persons with disabilities to experience the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as other users, using the capabilities of the system on which it operates and assistive technologies.

Making accessibility adjustments on the website

Accessibility adjustments on the website were made in accordance with Title C: Internet Services of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Service Accessibility Adjustments) Regulations, 5773-2013, Israeli standard IS 5568, which is based on WCAG 2.0, the website was adapted to Level A accessibility, subject to changes and adjustments made to the Israeli standard document.

The website supports, inter alia, textual alternatives for non-textual content, and alternatives for time-based media. The website’s content may also be presented in different ways without loss of format or information (including increasing text size, images of text, control of audio, etc.). In addition to the aforesaid, the website supports use of assistive technologies such as navigation using a keyboard by pressing the tab and shift+tab keys to navigate through links, the arrow keys, the Enter key to make a selection, the Esc key to exit menus and windows.

The website is regularly checked to ensure maintenance of the website’s accessibility.

Declaration regarding partial compliance with the standard in the case of third-party content (if any)

Accessibility on the following webpages:,,,,,, is dependent on content that does not belong to the organization (third-party content), and therefore we declare partial compliance with the standard for these pages.

Optimal accessibility application on the website

On this website, optimal and accessible navigation is possible on the popular browsers. It is advisable to use the following browsers: Firefox / Safari / Edge / Chrome.

Accessibility arrangements at the organization

It is clarified that the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research (R.A.) does not have office hours, and therefore no physical accessibility arrangements are specified for the organization address.

Contact regarding accessibility

Should you encounter an accessibility issue on the website of the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research (R.A.), or should you require assistance, please contact us through the organization’s accessibility coordinator:

Sagit Azary-Viesel

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